Pegah Emambakhsh
This is at rather short notice but it only just came to my attention. With the bank holiday approaching I'm sure that many will be thinking of those lucky enough to be jetting off to sunnier climes, people such as Pegah Emambakhsh. She is scheduled to be heading off to iran on Monday. Where she will be murdered, slowly and brutally, in front of a screaming mob. What did she do to deserve this fate? Her 'crime' was to fall in love with the wrong person.
This is not the first time that the UK's authorities have somehow come to the conclusion that it is perfectly safe to throw people to the tender mercies of the Iranian state should they be gay, knowing full well that the Iranian state murders gays. The threat of judicial murder is enough that we cannot deport murderers, terrorists, and their supporters. Should there be a chance that they will be executed then these people have to be protected, a protection that magically evaporates for those who's only 'crime' is to fall in love with the wrong person.
The logic of our asylum system is upside down and back too front. It deports those genuinely fleeing persecution. It stops those seeking sanctuary here when they will be tortured to death (and these particular people have already given great help to our servicemen trying to do an impossible job). Yet at the same time it seems to bend over backwards to accommodate the hate filled Jihadis and their self proclaimed mission to destroy our way of life in order to replace it with barbarism like in Iran.
While unfortunately it is probably too late now there are ways to express your views on this:
Letters of support [quoting her Home Office reference number: B1191057] for Pegah Emambakhsh should be sent to:I don't have a fax so I've emailed. As well as you can use so I've sent to both, not that I expect it to do much good. I don't really expect it to even get through their filters since I've used the words 'justice', 'freedom' and the phrase 'civil liberties'. These are all concepts anathema to Labour.
Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith MP
Home Secretary
2 Marsham St
Because of the urgency and the holiday weekend, faxing the letter is suggested.
The fax number is: + 44 (0) 207 035 3262.
In either case the letter (envelope or fax) should be clearly marked for The personal attention of The Home Secretary
The Home Secretary’s email address is
“So we can keep a record of what has been written please send a brief email to: pegahletters(at) to let the campaign group know who you have written to and by what form (letters, fax, email),” the Assist spokesperson requested.
At least somebody is willing to do the right thing, even if it isn't any of our politicians. Italy has offered her asylum.
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